If you own a p-, men will white knight for you, they will risk their lives to save you, they will believe you. They’re going to believe you probably, especially if you’re crying and hysterical. “If you’re a woman, go out and tell a group of men that that man raped you. “(((Echo))) exists because people got tired of seeing, ‘WE WHITE PEOPLE are evil and oppress blacks.’ Speak as Jews, not whites. “Not being a s- is the only proven way to avoid AIDS. Kidding! He got got before he was able to rape anyone.”

“Today we have a moment of silence for Trayvon Martin’s rape victims.
#Blood money movie mike cernovich code
“I went from libertarian to alt-right after realizing tolerance only went one way and diversity is code for white genocide.” We can't really understand this, as our culture is too detached from instinct.” “Rape via an alpha male is different from other forms of rape. “When in Doubt, Whip it Out,” February 2012 If not, just let her know that your c- is too swollen to go back into your jeans, and that, ‘either you’re taking care of this, or I am.’ Masturbating will set your anchor nearer the desired destination – p- port.” If you can get her to touch it, even better. “Next time, don’t settle for the make out. In May 2017, he joined forces with popular conspiracy theorist Alex Jones to co-host a show on Infowars, moving even deeper into the world of conspiracy theories. Bankrolled by a divorce and by the sale of his books, Cernovich operates at the fringe of the conservative mainstream, acting as a pass-through for thinly-sourced and conspiratorial scoops. He came to prominence through his role in #Gamergate, a coordinated campaign of harassment against women in the gaming industry. He made his career on trolling the liberal establishment by accusing people of pedophilia or child sex trafficking.Īrmed with a law degree, Cernovich claims to defend “free speech,” in particular the freedom to harass women and make misogynistic, violent comments. Cernovich is one of America’s most visible right-wing provocateurs, known for boosting or generating massively successful conspiracy theories like #Pizzagate.